Create a Responsive Website using HTML and CSS Step by Step in Hindi

Website in HTML and CSS By ThapaTechnical

Create a Responsive Website using HTML and CSS Step by Step in Hindi

Welcome all, we will see How to create a Responsive Website using HTML and CSS in Hindi with Source Code. Believe me, In this one video, you are going to learn many things and main by simply using HTML and CSS only I will show you how to create an awesome website in Hindi within a time.

I know it's been a long time since I haven't uploaded a video on how to build a website using HTML and CSS in Hindi. So I thought why not today. So here is the video on how to create a website using HTML and CSS in Hindi step by step with no line skip.

I only use 2 images one for my background Image and the other is my logo image. Then we will have one index.html file and one Style.css file. All files and Images are under on folder.

We will also see how to use google fonts and ya Here is the link which I used in the video. I know it looks awesome. So simply click on the below link and get it.

Google Font Link 

I know most of you are here for source code. So click on the below link to get the source code. When you click on it, It will redirect you to your google drive page and from there you have to download the file and feel free to use it. What you feel please comment below :)

Click here for Source Code

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