How to deploy a git public and private repository to any shared Hosting


How to deploy a git repository

Before we begin with the deployment process, there are a few prerequisites that you must have:


Step 1: You need to have a domain and a server. This can be any hosting plan that you've subscribed to.


Step 2: You need to have a GitHub account where you've pushed your code.


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Now, let's move on to the steps for deploying a GitHub repository on shared hosting:


Step 1: First, you need to write your website's code and push it to the GitHub repository. Make sure that your code is up-to-date on the GitHub repository.


Step 2: Log in to your Hostinger account and click on the "Manage" button next to your web hosting plan (such as Personal, Business, etc.) on the homepage.






Step 3: You will be redirected to the dashboard. On the left-hand side, you'll see the name of your website. Select the website that you want to deploy using Git.



Step 4: Next, click on the "FileManager" section. This will redirect you to the HPanel of Hostinger. Once you're in the HPanel, find the "public_html" folder and open it. If this is your first time deploying a website, there won't be any files in this folder. However, if you're replacing an existing website, you should download the old website files and save them on your local drive for future use.


Once you've downloaded any existing website files, delete all the files in the "public_html" folder.



The install path directory must not contain any files or folders, otherwise, the deployment will fail.


Step 5: Go back to your dashboard (as explained in step 3) and click on "Advanced" on the left-hand side of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select "Git".





Step 6: After opening the Git page, the first thing you need to do is copy the SSH key and add it to your GitHub account. Even if you're deploying a public GitHub repository, it's a good practice to add the SSH key for security reasons.


To learn how to add an SSH key to your GitHub account, follow this link: Adding an SSH key to your GitHub or Bitbucket account - ThapaTechnical




Step 7: To get started, go to your GitHub repository and copy either the HTTPS or SSH link of the repository that you want to deploy.



For public repositories:

For private repositories:


Step 8: Just paste the GitHub repository link into the Repository field, specify the branch name, and leave the Directory field blank. (Remember to delete or empty the public_html file, as instructed in step 4.) Finally, click on the Create button.


Step 9: After adding a new repository to your account, you'll see four buttons:


Deploy: This will deploy your existing repository.

Continuous Deployment: This feature lets you automatically deploy your projects every time you make new commits to your repository.

Latest Build: This button displays the most recent build output.

Delete: Use this button to remove the selected repository.


Step 10: Once you've selected the branch and entered the directory name, you can deploy the existing code to your website by clicking on the "Deploy" button. If you want to enable the functionality where your website is automatically updated whenever you push code to GitHub, select "Continuous Deployment" instead. This will open a popup modal, where you can copy the webhook URL and add it to your GitHub repository. The instructions for adding the URL to your repository will be provided in the same popup modal.


Once you've added the webhook URL to your GitHub repository, your website will automatically update whenever you push new code to your repository from your local system. This is an awesome feature that saves a lot of time and effort!

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