Registration and Login Form in PHP and MySQL in Hindi

Registration and Login Form in PHP and MySQL in Hindi

Welcome Guys, we will see complete Registration Form in PHP and MySQL in Hindi and login form in PHP and MySQL with validation in Hindi. We are using PHP session in it then log in and signup page [logout page] in PHP in Hindi. First, we will create Login and Sign in forms in PHP and MySQL then we will create a registration page, validation page in which we will write MySQL query to insert and select data from the database. After the login form, we will create a homepage with the help of Bootstrap 4 classes in PHP whereby using sessions. After, we create a welcome page where we will show the username as it is on the page and all thanks to sessions then a logout page in PHP and MySQL.

You can also use it as a login system in PHP with MySQL database for your project.

I believe this is the Simple User Registration Script in PHP and MySQL this is because I want you to understand it fully and the working of it. With this user can easily register into our page, fill the username, email, password fields and after submitting the form, the data will be stored in a database table. So whenever next time the user can log in with the login credentials which are used while user registration and also we use validation which checks whether the login credentials is correct not.

I hope you like my video on the Registration and Login Form in PHP and MySQL in Hindi.

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